
ENR All-Weather

Highest measure of Beta versus benchmarks

From our diverse universe of managed account offerings, the ENR All-Weather Series has historically earned the highest measure of Beta versus benchmarks, especially in bear market periods. Beta measures how volatile a stock is in relation to the broader stock market over time. A stock with a high beta indicates it’s more volatile than the overall market and can react with dramatic share-price changes amid market swings. We specifically created All-Weather to mitigate market volatility by investing across core asset classes that historically represent different long-term economic outcomes. For example, all three All-Weather portfolios invest in gold bullion – typically an inflation and deflation hedge amid severe market dislocations.

It also holds long-term Treasury securities to protect the portfolio from outright deflation or falling prices. And it’ll invest in mostly dividend-paying securities to participate in an economic environment of disinflation or moderate inflation. By incorporating all economic outcomes in our asset allocation, the All-Weather strategy can produce consistent returns without the commensurate volatility associated with a growth and income portfolio.

ENR All-Weather is our flagship low volatility-driven portfolio, providing the lowest measure of Beta versus the S&P 500 Index. In 2008, All-Weather declined a net (after fees) 4% compared to a loss of 38.5% for the S&P 500 Index, including dividends. In 2018, the first calendar year loss for the American broader market since 2008, the S&P 500 Index declined 4.4% compared to a loss of 1.3% for All-Weather. Since inception in 2006, ENR All-Weather has gained a net 112% total return, accompanied by four losing calendar years in 2008, 2013, 2015 and 2018.

ENR offers three products in the All-Weather range:


Global All-Weather

All-Weather EXCEL

The ENR All-Weather Portfolio seeks to achieve an absolute return in all markets while maintaining a significantly lower degree of volatility and correlation compared to the S&P 500 Index. The strategy seeks to limit portfolio turnover and reduce market volatility by concentrating investments across core asset classes invested in U.S. dividend stocks, U.S. Treasury securities and gold. The strategy will also seek to provide a regular dividend.

Limit portfolio turnover and reduce market volatility

ENR Global All-Weather Portfolio seeks to achieve an absolute return in all markets while maintaining a significantly lower degree of volatility and correlation compared to the MSCI World Index. The strategy seeks to limit portfolio turnover and reduce market volatility by concentrating investments across core asset classes invested in U.S. dividend stocks, global major and emerging market equities, U.S. Treasury securities and gold. The strategy will also seek to provide a regular dividend.

ENR All-Weather EXCEL Portfolio seeks to achieve an absolute return in all markets while maintaining a lower degree of volatility and correlation compared to the S&P 500 Index and MSCI World Index. The strategy seeks to limit portfolio turnover and reduce market volatility by concentrating investments across core asset classes invested in U.S. dividend stocks, global major and emerging market equities, U.S. Treasury securities and gold. Of all three All-Weather products, the EXCEL portfolio has earned the highest cumulative returns over the past ten years; however, it also maintains the highest volatility of the three, due to its relatively higher exposure to global common stocks. The strategy will also seek to provide a regular dividend.

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Please be advised that E.N.R Asset Management, Inc. is not registered or licensed in Quebec or in any other Canadian province and therefore does not accept or solicit assets from Canadian investors.

Bien que le siège social de E.N.R. est situé a Montréal, nous tenons a vous aviser que les services proposes sur notre site internet ne s’adressant pas aux résidants du Québec ni aux residants des autres provinces et territoires Canadiens.